Question: salaams. I will like to know if it is permissible to use jinns whether they coo you and offer their service or if amaals are done to invoke them, and if it is permissible to go to such people for help. there are also […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum can you please explain WHO and How can some one make Hajj for someone else. If you never made Hajj before can you go and make Hajj for someone else? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, With respect to making hajj for […]
Question: Assalam Alaikum Mufti Sahab, I need your help again. I want to ask can we directly ask help from awliyah..?? ( as i think we Should not ) I told my friend that we cannot ask anyone except Allah as stated in quraan, then […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatooh Recently there has been a new trend I have come across where some Masjids OR Jamat Khanas set their Asar time approximately 30 or 40 min before the Maghrib Adhan, hence by the time Salah finishes, there’s very […]
Boguz and Keena both mean malice, hatred and rancor in the heart for others. Hatred for another person is totally prohibited in Islam and is from among the vices of the heart. While showing to what extent this is prohibited, Allah mentions that the true […]
Question: Asalam Alaikum mufti sahab. My question is that if someone has BOGUZ,KEYNA & HASAD of any person, what methods he has to use to protect from these sins.What type of wazeyfa he has to read for this.Please guide in this matter. JAZAKALLA Answer: Wa […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Respected Mufti Sahib. Having gone into a Halal business partnership based on trust and written contract arrangements with another Muslim Brother who portrayed Taqwa , as time passed, I realised that I was manipulated for his personal gains. Trust seems to be […]
Question: Assalaamualaikum! I wanted to know,can a mother lead her children in prayer? If so,does she have to stand in line with them or ahead of them?Also,do women read the three salaah that are read aloud as men do? JazaakAllaah Khair,Aameen. Answer: Wa Alaikum As […]
With respect to the time Salaah Al Asr enters (according to the Mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa), there are two famous opinions. One is that it enters at ‘two shadows’ length’, and the other is that of one shadow’s length. Both of these opinions have […]
Question: Asalaam alaikam In the hanafi madhaab it says the mufta bihi opinion is that asr enters around two shadow length but there is an opinion that says it is one shadow length I am confused because recently we got a new imam he is […]