Fish Gelatin

Question: Fish gelatin. السلام عليكم. لا أدري كيف يسمى هذا الشيئ في اللغة العربية و لكن أفهم معناها…و سؤالي: هل هذا الشيئ حلال؟؟ شكرا جزيلا Assalaamu Alaikum. I don’t know how to name this thing in Arabic, but i understand its meaning…..And my question is: […]

Investing In Stock Trade

Question: can one invest in trade of stock? or stock of trade? Answer; Assalamu Alaikum, If you know that the stocks are halaal, then it is allowed to invest in these. If the stocks are not halaal, or they are doubtful or you do not […]