Question: Asalalmualalikum. i would like to know if wuzu is complete if a little kajal remains in the eyes or do we have to repeat those salaah which were performed with such a wudhu where kajal was not entirely removed and some of it still […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, While the adhan is being called for prayer in the masjid, is it permissible/compulsory/disliked/haram to perform salaat that was missed? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, While the Adhan is being called, it is very virtuous to listen to the words of the […]
Question: Is it true girls are not allowed to tie their hair on the top of their head (crown/mole of their head). If its true why is it not allowed? Jazaakhaallah. Answer: Assalamu Alikum, With respect to a woman tying her hair at the […]