Question: What is the ruling regarding reserving one’s position in the front saff between 2 Salahs with one’s scarf, hat or any other item? Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, The Masjid is the house of Allah and is open to all Muslims who come for Salaah. Whoever […]
Question: If one is fasting and he has dried skin off his lip hanging off he did bite the skin but he isn’t sure if he swallowed it although he is certain he didn’t swallow any skin is the fast invalid also if he bit […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a question. As you may know, chicken are injected with steroids so that they can grow faster to meet the mass demand of the public. I was wondering, once certified halal, does this mean that the chicken do […]
Question: As Salamu alaikum I know that Rasool Allah SAW was renowned for his truthfulness but when you read some of his authentic ahadith, they sometimes seem contradictory. I assume that it is because of the language, for instance when he says that the one […]