EID-UL-FITR By Mufti Waseem Khan (Hafizahullah) The day of Eid is considered to be ‘Yawmul Jazaa’, a day of prize giving. The reason for this is that Allaah’s servants have worked very hard for one long month. Their days and nights were filled with […]
SADAQATUL FITR By Mufti Waseem Khan (Hafizahullah) Sadaqatul Fitr is a compulsory charity which is given at the end of Ramadhan to the poor and needy. It is given to help them particularly on the day of Eidul Fitr and also serves as a […]
 LAILATUL QADR – THE NIGHT OF POWER By Mufti Waseem Khan (Hafizahullah) “We have indeed revealed this (message) on the Night of Power And what will explain to you what is the Night of Power? The Night of Power is better than a thousand months. […]
‘ITIKAAFÂ By Mufti Waseem Khan (Hafizahullah) ‘Itikaaf literally means seclusion and in Islaam it means to seclude oneself to the Masjid in worship in order to achieve the pleasure of Allaah (with the clear intention of ‘Itikaaf). ‘Itikaaf in the month of Ramadhan is an […]