بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Foreword Undoubtedly, the Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the greatest human being who walked on the face of the earth. He was the most honoured and respected of all the prophets, […]
SURA YASEEN VIRTUES OF SURA YASEEN Sura Yaseen is known to be a very virtuous Sura which contains many merits. From among these, is the narration of Abu Hurairah (R.A) in which he said that the Prophet ﷺ said, لِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَلْبٌ وَقَلْبُ الْقُرْآنِ {يس} […]
Assalamualykum, Hope this email finds you in good health and prosperity. My question regards sending salutations to our beloved Nabisco SAW family. Are we allowed to send salutations to the beloved family of Nabi (SAW) and the noble Sahaba. If this is permissible is there […]
Q:Can you explain why it is haraam? My family often ask me why people say it is haraam and I do not know how to explain it. And does this mean that watching any movie out of cinema is haraam too? Assalaamu Alaikum, الجواب […]
A text recently came to our attention implying that Darul Uloom Trinidad has endorsed certain actions that were carried out by some teachers at the Darul Barakaat School in Barrackpore. We, at the Darul Uloom wish to denounce all actions carried out by the relevant […]
On Wednesday 2nd December 2015 an article appeared on the daily express entitled ‘Islam: Why should I care? Having read this article and looked at its contents carefully, we wish to declare that the information presented by the author has created a false and erroneous […]
‘AMERICAN SHARIA’ – A MOCKERY OF ISLAM Recently, the trailer of a ‘so-called’ halaal movie has been released bearing the name ‘AMERICAN SHARIAH’. Many Muslims have asked about its permissibility and if it is really a halaal movie. To their queries, the following response […]
Assalamualikum Mufti SB, If I have 100 dollars in interest money can I give household items equivalent to the 100 dollars from my store in new items to a non-Muslim or do I have to give the cash. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق You […]