As salaam alaikum . Can I pay my debts instead of zakaah? Or pay both? As Salaam Alaikum. Pay your debts that are due, first. Then, if whatever remains of your savings reach the Nisaab, you will pay Zakaat on that amount. And Allah Knows […]
Assalam Alaikum, I wanted to ask if someone goes to the washroom and urinated, if he wipes off with toilet paper, can he perform Salah without washing his private, in plain is it permissible to clean oneself with toilet paper after one urinates? Wa Alaikum […]
Assalam Aliakum, Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to fast during Ramadan, if she miss her menstrual for two months, and she take a at home pregnancy test and it say negative, but she is getting pregnancy symptoms ? Just in case she is […]
Assalamu Alaikum. Is it permissible to take regular multivitamins before one starts the fast? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, it is permissible to do so. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. 8/6/16.
Can we brush or teeth while fasting in manner of caution so as to ensure nothing goes down the throat? Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, you can do so. However, in the case of toothpaste, this has a taste, […]
Assalamuaykum. Hope you are well. I want to know if it’s permissible to use lip balm or chopstick whilst one is fasting? Jazakallah. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, it is permissible to use these. However, one must not allow the […]
It is permissible to pray a prayer after the time for that prayer has passed? Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, الجواب و بالله التوفيق It is compulsory for one to pray on time at all times. One should be mindful of the timings of all prayers […]
1.What is the age of puberty of boy in Islam? 2. Can a mother stay topless in front of her boy who did not reach the age of puberty? Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Puberty in a boy occurs when he begins […]
Salaam, Is it permissible in Islam for women to shave their eyebrows.?? I have seen a lot of women do it so I was just concerned if it is permissible. I have also heard that on the Day of Judgement that snakes and scorpions will […]
I am 40 year old woman with three kids and intend to NOT have any more in the future due to health risks etc. In looking at the different options such the intrauterine device, or IUD (Coil) Etc, there are complications, bleeding etc that are experienced in […]