Zakaat on Loan (Lent Out)

Question: Assalaamu Alikum Mufti Waseem I just wanted to find out something with regards to Zakat. If you lend some one money and they have not paid you back up till you still have to include it in the Nisaab when you are calculating […]

Janaza for Suicide Bombing

Question  A person professing to be a Muslim who commits a terrorist attack against civilians and in the process kills himself (suicide bombing) is obviously a despicable person. In such a scenario: Will this person be given ghusl and will Janaza prayer be NECESSARY for […]

Muslim Women Wearing Pants

  Question Assalamu Alaikum, Someone proposed a question to me and had me thinking. I will like to know if it is stated anywhere that muslim women are not allowed to wear pants? To my knowledge we are allowed to wear loose pants that are […]