Placing of The Feet In Salah

QUESTION According to these two following narrations what is the position of the feets during the salah (qiyam) in Islam: 1. Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) said: “When any one of you performs Salah then he should not place his shoes on his right hand […]

Brief Biography of Ibn Hazm

Question: Who is the famous ‘alim Ibn Hazam, I read several contradictory opinions concerning him, young people it is the confusion with his readings that we advise you, Is it advisable for non scholar (layman,non qualified person) to read Ibn hazam’s book? ANSWER: As Salaam […]

Divorced By Text Messaging

QUESTION: A husband Text I divorce three times at the same time…is it a divorce…and what if the couple want to reconcile   ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum, Yes, texting the divorce causes the divorce to occur. Seeing that the husband has sent the text to […]