Questions and Answers

This question is forwarded from a man in prison: ” A brother is leading ‘taraweeh’ and ‘witr’ but does not wash his feet for salaah but wipes over cotton socks. He is also reading from the book in order to lead the salaah. For the […]

Can a woman’s cousin be her Wakil?

Salaams, Can ones mother brother’s son be a girl’s wakil for her wedding? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, Although it is permissible for him (one’s mother brother’s son – cousin) to be a Wakil (agent on behalf of the girl) for her wedding, it is best that […]

Is this type of trading permissible?

Assalamu Alaikum, My mom does sales for a living, purchasing of wholesale goods to resell retail. Once a month she receive goods on credit. She will receive the goods without paying upfront and then she will resell at her retail prices then payback the wholesale company […]

Taraweeh Salaah for women

Assalam O Alaikum , I  would like to know the significance of Taraweeh during the blessed month of Ramadan. Is there a difference between the way Taraweeh is offered by men and women? Could you please elaborate on how a woman should  perform Taraweeh prayer  […]

Should I fast or Not?

I had an ectopic pregnancy surgery done month now. I am really improving allhamdulilah but I still get pain sometimes because the Dr said it can take up to 3 months for the the inside to heal a little sometimes I feel really weak […]