As Salaamu Alaikum, Question: A marriage (by law) between a non-practicing Muslim woman and a non-practicing Christian man who has a child. Few months in marriage the woman wants to start practicing her faith (praying, wearing hijab etc). How shall she proceed? Does she have […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, Question: Is it permissible to trade forex online? Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Answer: No, it is not permissible to trade forex online. And Allah Knows best Mufti Waseem Khan 27/11/2018
As Salaamu Alaikum, Question: Going to Umrah soon. Is it more virtuous for women to perform Fard Salaah in Haram Sharif and Masjidun Nabawi or alone in their hotel room? If hotel Room is more virtuous, will they get the full 100,000 and 50,000 times […]