Difference in the Fajr Azan.

Q. I recently visited a masjid for the fajr salaah and I did not hear the words ‘As Salaatu Khairumm Minan Nawm’ in the fajr azan. When I enquired from someone at the masjid he said that this statement is not evident from the Prophet (S.A.S), and that it used to be said in the Tahajjud azan. Can you clarify this for me?

A. On this topic, it is narrated that some of the early scholars disliked the saying of ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawm’ (prayer is better than sleep) in the morning azan. From among those who held this view were Ata bin Abi Rabah, Tawoos and Aswad bin Yazeed. It is also mentioned as an opinion of Imam Shafi (A.R) and Ishaq.

Those who hold this opinion from the above scholars have stated that this statement is not evident in the Azan of Abdullah bin Zaid (R.A) which he taught to Bilal (R.A) upon the request of the Prophet (S.A.S).

In this regard, it is recorded in the Musannaf of Abdur Razzaak from Ibn Juraij that a person asked Tawoos as to when should the statement of ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawm’ be said. In response, Tawoos said, ‘As for this (statement), it was not said during the time of the Prophet (S.A.S). However, Bilal (R.A) heard it during the time of Abu Bakr (R.A) after the death of the Prophet (S.A.S). A man other then the Muazin used to say it, so he took it and said it in the Azan. Abu Bakr (R.A) however, did not remain except for a short period until it was the time of Umar (R.A). Umar said, ‘It would be good if we stop Bilal from that which he says’. It seems that he (Umar) forgot and the people continued to say it in the azan until today. (Musannaf of Abdur Razzaak Vol. 1 Pg. 353 Chapter on ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm Hadith # 1831).

Abdur Razzaak has also narrated from Ibn Juraij who said, ‘I asked Ata when should As salaatul khairum minan nawm be said. He said, ‘I do not know’. (Musannaf Abdur Razzaak Vol. 1 Pg. 353 Hadith # 1832).

It is also mentioned by Abdur Razzaak in his Musannaf from Ibn Juraij who said, ‘Umar bin Hafs has informed me that Sa’ad was the first person who said, ‘As salaatu kharum minan nawm during the rule of Umar (R.A). Upon this, Umar (R.A) said, ‘this is an innovation’, and then left it. Bilal did not call the Azan for Umar (R.A). (Musannnaf Abdur Razzaak Vol. 1 Pg. 353 Hadith # 1833).

The above mentioned narrations are those which have been used by the above few scholars to discourage the use of this statement in the morning azan.

In contrast to this opinion, the vast majority of scholars have adopted the opinion and have ruled that it is Mustahab and commendable to say the statement ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm’ in the morning azan. From among those who hold this opinion are Sufyaan Thawri, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad and all their companions and the vast majority of the scholars.

These scholars have considered this statement to be very good which should be said in the morning azan after Hayya alal falah and have stated that although this is not present in the azan of Abdullah bin Zaid, it is nevertheless, evident that the Prophet (S.A.S) taught these words to Abu Mahzoora (R.A) and ordered him to say them in the morning Azan.

In this regard, Imam Tahawi has recorded the tradition of Ali bin Ma’bad who narrated from Rawh bin Ubadah from Ibn Juraij who said that Uthman bin Saa’ib has narrated to him from Um Abdul Malik bin Abi Mahzoora from Abu Mahzoora (R.A) who said that the Prophet (S.A.S) taught him (to say) in the first azan of the morning ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm’. (Nukhbatul Afkaar fi Sharh Sharhul Ma’ani Al Athaar Vol. 2 Pg. 41).

Ibn khuzaima has narrated the tradition of Anas(R.A) in which he (Anas R.A) said, ‘From the sunnah, is that when the Muazzin says in the Fajr Azan ‘Haya alal Falaah’, he says ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm’.(Sahih ibn Khuzaima, Dar Qutni, Baihaqi in his Sunan Al Kubra. Baihaqi says that the sanad is sound (Sahih), Al Fiqhul Islam Wa Adilatihi, Dr. Wahba Az-Zuhaili Vol. 1 Pg. 712, Nasbur Rayah Vol. 1 Pg. 339)

Abdur Razzaak has also mentioned the tradition of Abu Mazhoora (R.A) (the sahabi) that he said, ‘I used to call the azan for the Prophet (S.A.S) in Salatul Fajr, and when I said ‘Haya alal Falaah’, I would say ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm, As salaatu khairum minan nawm’. (Musannaf Abdur Razzaak Vol. 1 Pg. 351 Hadith # 1825). This tradition has been recorded by Imam Nasaa’i, Ahmad and Baihaqi.

Abdur Razzaak has also narrated that Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) used to say (when he called azan) ‘As salaatu kharum minan nawm). (Musanaf Abdur Razzaak Vol. 1 Pg. 351 Hadith # 1826).

Tabarani has mentioned in his Mujamul Kabeer that Hafs bin Umar narrates from Bilal (R.A) that he (Bilal) came to the Prophet (S.A.S) to give the Azan for the morning (Salaah) and found him sleeping. (Upon this) Bilal said, ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm’ twice. Hearing this, the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘How good is this, O Bilal. Put this in your azan’. (Majamul Kabeer – Tabarani Hadith# 1081 – Nashbur Rayah Vol. 1 Pg. 338).

Ibn Hibban has narrated the tradition of Abdullah bin Umar (R.A) who said that Bilal came to the Prophet (S.A.S) to call the Azan for Salaah and found him asleep. He (Bilal) said, ‘As salaatu khairum minan nawm’. The Prophet said, ‘place this in your Azan when you give the Azan for the morning’. So Bilal used to say it when he called the azan for the morning salaah’. (ibn Hibban in kitaabul azan, Nashbur Rayah Vol. 1 Pg. 338).

Ibn Abi Shaiba has mentioned in his Musanaf that Ata has narrated from Abu Mahzoora (R.A) that he (Abu Mahzoora R.A) called the azan for the Prophet (S.A), Abu bakr (R.A) and Umar (R.A) and he used to say in his Azan, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Naum’. (Musanaff Ibn Abi Shaiba, Abu Dawood).

Tabarani has recorded in his Mujam Al Awsat that Zuhri has narrated from Urwa who has narrated from Aisha (R.A) that she said, ‘Bilal came to the Prophet (S.A) to give the Azan for the morning salaah, and he found him sleeping. So he said, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan nawn’. So this became established in the morning Azan’. (Mazma’uz Zawaa’id – Nasbur Rayah Vol. 1 Page 339).

Imam Abu Dawood has recorded the tradition of the companion (Sahabi) Abu Mahzoora (R.A), that he said to the Prophet (S.A), ‘O messenger of Allah, teach me the Sunnah of Azan’. The Prophet (S.A) then taught him the Azan and at the end, he (the Prophet (S.A)) said, ‘if it (the Azan) is for the morning salaah then say, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn, As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa Ilaha Illalaah’.
(Abu Dawood in his Sunan and Ibn Hibban in his Saheeh – Nasbur Rayah Vol. 1 Pg. 340).

All the above traditions clearly establish that the statement ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’ was established , endorsed and sanctioned by the Prophet (S.A) himself. It is also evident that these words were called in the Fajr Azan during the time of the Prophet (S.A). In fact, he requested Bilal to place it in the morning Azan.

Based on the narration from Aisha (R.A), she said that the words ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’ was fixed and established in the morning Azan. (Nasbur Rayah – Vol.1 Pg. 339).

All the above traditions also clearly indicate that these words of ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’ were said in the morning Azan which refers to the Fajr Azaan. This was not said in the azan for the Tahajud prayer, since this prayer takes place at night and not in the morning.

In fact, the great Tabi’ee Saholar Saeed bin Musayab made this very clear when he quoted the tradition of Bilal (R.A) and then said, ‘ the statement, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’ thus became fixed in the Fajr Azan and the matter became established upon this’ (Sunan Ibn Majah – Nukbatul Afkaar Vol. 2 Pg. 42).

This is also very clear in the tradition recorded by Abdur Razzaak in which it is narrated from Abdullah bin Umar that he used to say in the Fajr Azan ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’. (Musannaf Abdur Razzaak).

From among the traditions which are recorded on this topic, some are narrated with the word ‘As Subh’ which means ‘morning’ and others are with the word ‘Fajr’. It is therefore clearly understood that the words of ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’ are to be said in the Fajr Azan. This is what has been established during the time of the Prophet (S.A) and hence, continued throught the period of the Sahabahs, Tabi’een and Tabut Tabi’een, and this is what has been established as the Sunnah. The beautiful statement of Anas (R.A) stands as a solid proof for all that which has been said. It states:

Imam Baihaqi narrates in his Sunan Al Kubra with a sound (Saheeh) sanad that Muhammad bin Seereen has narrated from Anas (R.A) that he (Anas) said, ‘From the Sunnah is that when the Muazzin says ‘Haya Alal Falaah’ in the Fajr Azan, he should say, ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn, As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, laa Ilaha Illalaah’, (Sunan Al Kubra – Baihaqi Hadith #1984 who says that the sanad is Saheeh (sound). Sunan Dar Qutni Hadith #934 Vol.1 pg. 251, Saheeh Ibn Khuzaima-Hadith #386. Hafiz Zahabi has mentioned in Muktasar As Sunan that the Sanad is sound (Saheeh).

With respect to the narration which has been mentioned in the beginning from Ata, Tawoos and Aswad regarding the act of not saying ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn’. These cannot be used against such solid evidences which firmly establish that this statement was endorsed by the Prophet (S.A) himself. Secondly, these opinions which are in the minority cannot be preferred above the opinion/verdict of the great majority of scholars from among the Sahabahs, Tabi’een and Tabut Tabi’een scholars.

As for the statement of Umar (R.A) which has been recorded by Abdur Razaak that he
(Umar) said that (the statement of ) As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawn was an innovation and left it out, this is in opposition to the authentic narration which has been recorded by Dar Qutni in his Sunan. In that tradition it is recorded from Nafi from Ibn Umar from Umar (R.A) that he (Umar) said to his Muezzin, ‘when you reach Hayya alal Falaah in the Fajr Azan, you should say , ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawm, As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawm’. (Sunan Dar Qutni Vol.1 pg. 251 Hadith #935).

The gist of this entire discussion is that saying the words ‘As Salaatu Khairum Minan Nawm’ in the Fajr Azan is well established in the Sunnah and has been accepted in this manner by the vast majority of the scholars from the earliest generation until present. Hence, it should not be left out in the Fajr Azan.

And Allah knows best.

Mufti Waseem Khan