Belief And Usage Of Taweez etc.
 It is wrong to assume that every problem or illness that comes to a person is on account of some evil which will be removed through a Taweez.
This sort of practice soon corrupts a person’s Aqeedah and he becomes superstitious for everything that happens. If one is affected with an illness, then he must seek medication. If he thinks that his state is not on account of an illness, then he should recite the duas of the Prophet (S.A.S), place his full trust in Allah and beseech Him for His help. If after all of this, he sees signs that may indicate to him that some evil has affected him and the way of gaining ease is through a Taweez, then he can use the Taweez, on the condition that his trust and reliance is only upon Allah.
In case where couples cannot have children, they should first check the specialist doctor to see if there is any medical problem in any or both of the spouse. If there is a problem, then they should seek medication. If there isn’t any medical problem, then they should pray earnestly to Allah to grant them a child for He alone is the Creator and Giver of children. In this case, one can use Taweez, but place his full trust and reliance on Allah.
In the case of protecting oneself from nazar, one should learn the duas of the Prophet (S.A.S) and recite them, and beg Allah to protect him from nazar. In this case also, one can use Taweez, but he must have the firm faith that it is Allah who can protect him and not the Taweez on its own.
One should not develop the habit/ practice of immediately going towards a Taweez for everything that happens to him.
And Allah Knows best
Mufti Waseem Khan