Method of Sacrifice for Qurbani

Can you please give us the daleel for the method of sacrifice you have outlined so I can inform my Jamaah that it was the practice of the prophet (uwbp) and his companions.

Wa Alaikum Assalaam,

الجواب و بالله التوفيق

Jabir Bin Abdullah (R.A) narrates:

‘The Prophet (S.A.S) sacrificed two horned rams which were white with black markings and had been castrated. When he made them face the Qiblah, he said, ‘Inni Wajahtu Wajhiya Lilladhi Fatarasamawati Wal Ard Hanifanw Wa Ma Ana Minal Mushrikeen. Inna Salati Wa Nusuki Wa Mahyaya Wa Mamati Lillahi Rabbil Aalameen. Laa Shareeka Lahu Wa Bi Dhalika Umirtu Wa Ana Minal Muslimeen.’

‘Allahuma Minka wa Laka, BIsmillah; Allahu Akbar.’ (Sunan of Abu Dawood, Hadith 2789).

The above tradition shows that when the Prophet (S.A.S) did the sacrifice, he made the animals face the Qiblah. After this, he recited ‘Inni Wajahtu Wajhiya Lilladhi … until the end.

Then he recited: ‘. Inna Salati Wa Nusuki Wa Mahyaya Wa Mamati …. Until the end.

After this, he said, ‘Allahuma minka wa laka.’ Then he said ‘Bismillah Allahu Akbar’ and slaughtered the animal.

It is also narrated that at the end, the Prophet (S.A.S) said, ‘Allahumma An Muhammad Wa Ummatihi Man Shahida laka Bit Tawheed Wa Li Bil Balagh.’ (Mustarak of Hakim from Aisha (R.A) and Abu Hurairah (R.A).

Translation, ‘O Allah! This is from Muhammad and from his Ummah. These who bear witness to Tawheed and bear witness to my message.’

It is narrated that when Ali (R.A) slaughtered the Qurbani animals, he used to say, ‘Allahuma Taqabal Min Fulan.’ “ O Allah accept this from so and so.’ (Ibn Abi Ad Dunya – Kanzul Umaal, Hadith 12681).

Abu Talha (R.A) narrated that the Prophet (S.A.S) scarificed two rams. When he sacrificed the first one, he said, “O Allah! Accept this from Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.’ When he sacrificed the second, he said, ‘O Allah! Accept this from those who believe in me from my Ummah.’ (Tibrani  in Al Kabeer – Kanzul Umaal, Hadith 12691).

And Allah Knows Best.

Mufti Waseem Khan.
