
As Salaamu Alaikum,

What is the ruling regarding vomiting while fasting, does it break the fast? Is there a difference between induced vomiting and that which is not induced?



Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

With regards to the ruling of vomiting whilst fasting, there are two scenarios in which the fast will be considered as broken and as such, Qadha will be essential.

  1. Swallowing the vomit if it is to the extent of a mouthful or more.
  2. Induced vomiting to the extent of a mouthful or more. This is with the condition that he remembers that he was fasting. As for non-deliberate vomiting, whether a person vomits a mouthful or less, or even more than that, then his fast will not be broken. A such, it is clear that induced vomiting to the extent of a mouthful renders the fast invalid as opposed to non- deliberate vomiting.

(Minhah Al Khaliq Ala Bahr Vol. 2 page. 480 Rasheediya; Al Fatawa Al Hindiya Vol. 1 page. 224 Qadeemi)

And Allah Knows best

Maulana Saeed Ahmad Khan



Checked and approved by

Mufti Waseem Khan
