As Salaamu Alaikum.

Are women allowed to wear rings that are made of other materials besides gold and silver? Jazaakallaah khair.



Wa Alaikum As Salaam,

Based on narrations of the Prophet (S.A.W), many great scholars and Jurist experts have stated that it is Makrooh (disliked) for women to wear rings that are made of other materials besides gold and silver.

In this regard, the Fuqaha (jurists) have stated ‘And wearing a ring made of iron, brass, copper, and lead is Makrooh (disliked) for men and women. However, there is no harm if one wears a ring made of iron, on which silver has been placed, or it is covered with silver to the extent that the iron cannot be seen’.

‘With respect to wearing a ring made with the carnelian stone, some scholars have stated that it is not permissible. However, the great Hanafi Jurist, Qadhi Khan has stated that the sound/correct opinion is that it is permissible’.

It should be further understood that the above ruling is only for rings for females. As for other jewelries worn on the body by females, it will be permissible for them to wear jewelries made of gold, silver, gem stones and other metal ornaments. There is no restriction for these jewelries to be from only gold or silver.

(Al Jawhara An Nayara Vol. 2 page. 616 Qadeemi Kutub; Fatawa Hindiya Vol. 5 page. 335; Kitab An Nawazil Vol. 15 pages. 446,447; Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariya Vol. 7. Page. 244).

And Allah Knows best

Mufti Waseem Khan
