DARUL ULOOM T&T invites one and all to join us 💥TONIGHT💥 for our first live “DIPLOMA IN ARABIC LANGUAGE”Class. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81254993753?pwd=MUM4SU1qUXNrOXhYUFJXZU1VL211dz09. Jazakallah Khairan.
DARUL ULOOM T&T Invite one and all to join us 💥TONIGHT💥 for our first live “CERTIFICATE IN FIQH”Class. PLEASE CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO JOIN: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81254993753?pwd=MUM4SU1qUXNrOXhYUFJXZU1VL211dz09. Jazakallah kirah.
RULING ON BURYING MUSLIMS AMONG NON MUSLIMS IN A PUBLIC CEMETERY With respect to the issue of burying a deceased Muslim among non-Muslims in a public cemetery, the great Jurist experts of the former and latter times have unanimously stated that this is not permissible. […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum. Can you clarify an issue on zakaah please? I have an account in the bank which I have set aside for emergency use and or for my kids. The sum does not change. I do not add or take out from […]
Muharram, the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar brings with it, the entrance of the Islamic New Year. The month itself is a very blessed and sacred month which brings a tremendous amount of rewards to those who engage themselves in acts of […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, Can you tell me what is the ruling on 40 days after someone dies? I was told that it is not part of the Quran and Sunnah and should not be practiced. Can you kindly confirm? Jazak Allah Khair Answer: Wa Alaikum […]
APPROVED FAST FOOD OUTLETS KFC: The D.U.H.C. has approved the following outlets of K.F.C. Cunupia (Munroe Rd. Junction) James (Near to the St. James Masjid) Piarco (Airport) San Juan (Croisee) Gulf View (Opposite Gulf City Shopping Complex) Princes Town (Main Rd.) Eastern Main Road, El […]