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Q. Is it haram to sing Ya Nabi Salam Alaika, to sing Moulood Sharif, to attend Milads and Mouloods? Where did such practices come from? I heard at a function that Ya Nabi Salam Alaika was the first words said at the time of the […]
Q. Mufti Waseem has recently released an article on “islamic awakening”.. the following is an email sent out by a brother with his comments upon him receiving the email. I am sending the email to you, please comment and enlighten us. The email is as […]
Q. I took my shahada about 2 years aback and I have since backslided a lot in practicing. I love Islam and I will like to know what I have to do to get back on track. I am unable to practice as I would […]
Q. Recently I have come to know about a site named www.handwritingwizard.com. It claims to reveal the personality, character and qualities of a person in acordance with their hand writing and even says that one can change his habits and qualities by modifying their writing […]
Question: Asalamualaikum, Please interpret for me the verse “I have not created man and jinn except that they may worship ME”. Does it mean that we are here only to worship ALLAH TALAH and do nothing else, or does it mean we should not commit […]
Question: As salamu alaykum, Can you explain in full an article with the 12 differences between the Ash`aris & Maturidis in matters of doctrine, I want to choose one of them. Jazak Allah Khayran. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Ahl as-Sunna Wal-Jama ‘a [The Ash’aris […]