Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, if someone has a chronic wound on his hind part ,below the lumbosacral region and it bleeds continuously so that one has to place a tissue or cotton there every time to protect one’s underwear from getting soiled with blood that comes […]
Question: 1. when you shave a new born’s hair do you give the weight of the hair in charity? 2. does cats and rabbits keep away jins from your home? Answer: As Salaamu Alaikum, 1. Yes, you will give the weight of the hair […]
Question: assalamu alaikum… I am trying to find out the significance of a Muslim getting married on a Friday. I know it is good for a Muslim to Nikah on a Friday is it also good to do the walima on the same day? Answer: […]
Question: Assalamoalaikum wa rehmatullahi wa barakaatuhu… Hadhrat if a girl gets 3 talaaq from her husband but she never had physical relation with him….can she marry him again…since they want to remarry?? Jazakillahu khairan Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, If a girl got 3 divorces […]
Question: Why is the grave of the Prophet (SAWS) in his mosque, is it not forbidden to pray at a grave site? His bones are not even in that place any more. Answer: When the Prophet (SAS) died, he was buried in the room of […]
Question: Is Bio-Strath Tablets and Bio-Strath Elixirs halaal? Answer: The Bio-Strath Tablets are permissible, however, the Elixir contains alcohol. DUHC
Assalaamu Alaikum. Recently, I came across a book called “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss, which speaks of Reincarnation. It explains that reincarnation is a belief in Hinduism, Buddhism and even Christianity. I know that as muslims we do not hold to this […]
Question: As-salaam wa-alaikum, I have read many articles related to Divorce via email which appear to be valid. If a husband sends an email to his wife where he indicates he is divorcing her, written 3 times, and it was his intent when writing and […]
Question: Asslamu Alaikum I performed hajj in 2010 and Hamduillaah it was great, may Allah accept it. Mufti, what i cant understand is why so many muslims are going to hajj and coming back and bad talking the place and their bad experiences, be it […]
Question: Is the flavour ice cream- cappuchino caramel truffle good to eat? thanks in advance. Answer: Yes this flavor is permissible. DUHC