Respected Brothers and Sisters, we thank Allah Almighty Who has given us the best  book – the Quraan; and Who has given us the best guidance – the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (SA). Allah orders us in the Quraan: “And whatever the messenger brings […]
Q. It is often said that the Hijaab is a means of oppression against women. What is Hijaab? Explain the position of the Hijaab/Niqaab. A The above statement is often said out of ignorance of the true teachings of Islam. Many non-Muslims make this claim […]
Today, the word ‘moderation’ has become very common, and is used by people for many things. Sometimes, it is used for that which is good, and at times, it is used for that which is bad. For example, you may hear a doctor saying to […]
The Darul Iftaa is the department of formal legal opinions which issues Fatwas to the Muslim community at large. ‘Fatwa’ refers to an answer given in response to a question relating to an issue of Shariah or the Deen -Islam. While many people may be […]
Question: As salaamu alaikum, a brother in a nearby masjid is claiming that it is permissible to make salah in ones shoes and the only reason people don’t enter masaajid nowadays with their shoes on is because of the carpet. Is there a refutation against […]
Question: Asalam u Alaikum I’d like to find out if it is permissible to attend a Christian ‘thanksgiving’ and eat the food if it is Halaal? I have some relatives that are Christian and I’m invited, they told me that they are preparing Halaal food. […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Sir, I have been reading and I come across these words often. I have done some research on them but end up a bit confused. When I listen to you explain, it very easy to understand, so, can you please explain the […]
Question: Asalaamu ‘alaikum! 1) Who will be the Leader of the Women of Jannah inshaAllah? 2) Is A’ishah considered with the four greatest women (Maryam, Khadijah, Fatimah & Asiyah [ra])? Or does she hold a seperate position of excellence all on her own? JazakAllah khair […]
Question: As salam wa alaikum. Can you give me the ruling on why is shrimp makruh & not halaal? since it is from the sea. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, According to Imam Abu Hanifa, from among the marine animals that are fully aquatic, […]
Question: Salam Alaikum, I’ve been drawing since I was 2 years old, and recently gave up drawing humans and animals after reading a few ahadith. When I searched for more rulings on picture making, I read that it is permissible to draw a human or […]