Darul Iftaa

The Darul Iftaa is the department of formal legal opinions which issues Fatwas to the Muslim community at large. ‘Fatwa’ refers to an answer given in response to a question relating to an issue of Shariah or the Deen -Islam. While many people may be […]

Leader of the Women of Jannah

Question: Asalaamu ‘alaikum! 1) Who will be the Leader of the Women of Jannah inshaAllah? 2) Is A’ishah considered with the four greatest women (Maryam, Khadijah, Fatimah & Asiyah [ra])? Or does she hold a seperate position of excellence all on her own? JazakAllah khair […]

Shrimp and Sea food

Question: As salam wa alaikum. Can you give me the ruling on why is shrimp makruh & not halaal? since it is from the sea.   Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, According to Imam Abu Hanifa, from among the marine animals that are fully aquatic, […]