Question: RESP MUFTI SAHIB CAN I BUY GROCERIES AND GIVE TO A POOR PERSON AS SADAQAH, INSTEAD OF GIVING MONEY? Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Yes, it is permissible to do […]
Question: I am working for a company and part of my remuneration package includes a contributory savings plan that generates interest. Being aware of the Islamic principles surrounding Riba can you advice on how this should be handled. A number of Muslim brothers working for […]
Q. Is it permissible for a Muslim to work in a supermarket that sells non-halal meat? Would their income be halal considering this is not the only product sold? A. No, it is not permissible to work in a supermarket that sells non-halal meats. The […]
Q. Non-Muslim churches and children homes, etc. sometimes approach Muslim businesses for charity. Would it be permissible to give financial help to them, or would it be considered as condoning their shirk? Would it be allowed if we give foodstuff/clothing/furniture? A. Donations to children’s homes are allowed […]
Q. Is it compulsory or best practice for a person to have wudhu in order to touch and recite Quran? Can you please give me quotation from the Quran and Hadeeth which proves it compulsory or optional. I read the fatwa on the Darul Uloom site […]
Q. I would like to know why is it not permissible for us to go to the cinema? A. A cinema is a place which has been built for the sole purpose of showing movies. It is a place which is filled with a great amount of […]
Q. Recently I have come to know about a site named It claims to reveal the personality, character and qualities of a person in acordance with their hand writing and even says that one can change his habits and qualities by modifying their writing styles. Many […]
Q. In Fard Salaah, in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs, only Surah Fatiha is recited. What about in other Salaah like Sunnah and Witr, only Surah Fatiha is recited in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs or is it compulsory to recite a Surah after? A. In the […]
Q. I would like to know what is the definition of Shiah Rawafid Ulama ul Haqq as we can provide quotes referenced ahl ul sunnah of the definition of Rawafid Shiah. A. The Shiahs have been divided into many groups, each having their own beliefs […]
Question: assalam u alaikum. I was asked by non Muslims about the changing of the qiblah from Jerusalem to Makkah. I can remember the story vaguely, and do not want to give false information because of my lack of memory and literature pertaining to the […]