Question: Can I do qurbani by asking my brother to do it in Pakistan and I give him the money for qurbani after a week. if not, plz. tell Answer: In order for you to do the Qurbani, you must own the animal at […]
Question: What is the islamic reason for not Cutting the nails and trimming/shaving the hair until after qurbani has been completed? Answer: This is a clear instruction from the Prophet (SAS), and it is a way of likening oneself to the pilgrims in certain […]
Q. What is the best way to go about inviting a non muslim to islam? A person who knows absolutely nothing about Islam and lives totally opposite to what Islam teaches. A. While inviting a non-Muslim to Islam, one should start by explaining the basic […]
Question: My questions are regarding our usage and practices on our beaches. Are there any awrah for children between the ages from birth to 8 years old? Lots of parents are careless in changing the clothes of their children in beaches etc, in the presence […]
Q. Is it allowed to work in a company in which one of the products sold is alcohol? It is a huge wholesale company with many products and different departments, one of which contains alcohol. A. Due to the fact that the company sells alcohol, […]
Q. Islamic banking is according to Sharia or not? Their products like Mudarba, Musharka, Ijara and Takaful are really RIBA-free (without interest). A. Islamic Banking is in accordance to the Shariah, and all its products are free from riba (interest). However, at times those who […]
Q. Is it permissible to have insurance on your home to cover against fire, burglary, flood, earthquakes, etc.? Is it permissible for importers and wholesalers to take out insurance on their goods? A. Although insurance is seen to be a security against unfortunate occurrences, it […]
Q. Is it sunnah to put the left foot out first while leaving the house? Also when I give gifts to people, who are rich and don’t need them, what niyat can I make so as to change it into ibadat? Also when some good […]
Q. Is it permissible to apply cream, lotion or vaseline after wazu and then perform prayer? A. Yes, it is permissible to do so. It is however better to avoid using lotions and creams that contain alcohol. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan
Q. I am suffering from chronic pain in my neck, the aggravating factor of which is bowing or flexion of my neck beyond a certain degree. Because of this I am unable to perform my sajdah in salaat and so I bend only a little […]