Q. Can Zakaat be given to family members apart from parents and children? Example aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. if they are needy? A. Yes, apart from parents and children, Zakaat can be given to other family members if they are needy. Grand parents and great […]
Q. What is fanaticism in Islam? Why do the awwam (people) consider those who teach their children that for example “there is no santa claus, or no toothfairy etc” to be FANATICS? Why should we fool our children? They say we should teach our children […]
Q. Can we make dua while in a state of sajdah during any prayer (farz, sunnah, witr, nafl prayer)? A. Yes, it is permissible to make dua in Nafl Salaah in the Sajda posture. However, your dua will have to be made in Arabic seeing […]
Q. Is it haraam to have stuffed toys and animals? Is it haraam to pray with them close by? A. Stuffed toys and animals fall within the same prohibition of animate objects and are not permissible. The Prophet (SA) has warned against pictures and images, […]
Q. My question is in regards to salaah. On a regular basis I begin to have doubts as the local masjid that I have prayed almost most my salaah’s in for the past 6-7 years has an imam who unfortunately has weak makhrij. This is […]
Question: Assalam mu Alaikum, I was asked by someone what is the significance of performing Tawaaf in Hajj. I researched on the internet and could not find any information. I will appreciate if you can answer my question. Thanks. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The […]
Question: Is it necessary to give the names of all the shareholders in an animal to the person slaughtering the animal? Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, This may not be deemed as necessary, however, it is important for the shareholders to know in which animal are their […]
Q. If a husband and wife are separated for 6 months, will that result in a divorce? Can she marry someone else at that time? And if they decide to come back together, do they need to remarry? A.The mere separation between the husband and […]
Q. Is it compulsory or best practice for a person to have wudhu in order to touch and recite Quran? Can you please give me quotation from the Quran and Hadeeth which proves it compulsory or optional. I read the fatwa on the Darul Uloom […]
Q. Can you kindly explain in detail what our view is as Muslims, concerning the theory of Evolution please. We are interested in showing our non-Muslims accomplices evidences from the Quran and from science itself that refutes evolution. A. The following is a beautiful article […]