Question: Assalaam mu Alaikum If one is not performing Hajj, but will do the qurbaani, it is not like to cut nails , trim hair or shave etc .When is a person allowed to do this. Is it on the day of Eidul Adhaa before […]
Question: Assalaamu alaikum With regards to women travelling, I am well aware that her Mahram must accompany her if her visit exceeds 24hrs or 3 days according to various ahadith. My question however, if a girl marries a man who lives abroad and migrates with […]
Question: salaams.. I would like to know if chewing gum with sugar alcohol is halaal?Also is tablets containing gelatin halaal? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Sugar alcohol is a permissible substance, therefore chewing gum with sugar alcohol will be permissible Most gelatin is made from […]
Question: As Salaam Mu Alaikum, I hope this email reaches you in the best of health. I would like to prepare a Will before I die and would like to know how my estate should be shared according to Shariah law. Only money is being […]
Questions: 1. what are requisites for a muslim to be a witness en the case of a marrige ? must he be some one that has a lot of knowledge of islam for example ? 2.dose a muslim need witnesses at the time of giving […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum May Allah continue to reward all the teachers and alims at the darul uloom for their tireless service to the deen of islam.I would like to find out which days are permissible for observing Nafl (Optional) fasts? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
By Mufti Waseem Khan Al hamdulillah, All praise is due to Allah, Who has created us perfectly, one stage after another. Likewise, He has blessed us with opportunities one after another for our spiritual development and progress. He has also set in place all the […]
Qurbani is an Urdu word derived from the Arabic origin Qurbaan which indicates any means of nearness to Allah, be it an animal sacrifice or even common sadaqah (charity). In usage, the word Qurbani, is mostly used for the sacrifice of an animal or any […]
In the recent past, there has been much talk about the Hijaab/Niqaab for women. The publicizing of this topic came as a result of the Shaikh of Al Azhar’s statement which he used for a girl (student) who had covered her face with the Niqaab […]
Taqleed literally means to follow, and according to the technical meaning used in the Shariah, it means ‘to follow someone in what he says, considering it to be the truth, without looking into the evidence for it’. (Baghwi) Based on the above meaning, we find […]