QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is it recommended to do qunoot in 5 daily salaats according to hanafi, due to the plague? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum as Salaam  On account of the present Coronavirus pandemic, it is permissible or rather encouraged to do the Qunoot Naazilah in […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, With the advent of the Coronavirus in Trinidad, what is the ruling for Jumah salaah as this is a congregation of many people where the virus can spread. Can you advise what is to be done in such an instance, and […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is it permissible to dispose of cut nails and hair in running water? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is best to dispose of the cut-nails and hair by burying them. Regarding this, it is narrated in a tradition that the […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I would like some clarification on the issue of standing when the dead body is brought at the Jannaza and when it is being taken away for burial. I have been getting conflicting rulings. JazzakAllah Khairan. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I use a Credit Card but pay up immediately without incurring any interest payment. Also I pay an annual fee of approximately $75 for using the card. When travelling by Air I use lounge facility at the airport, producing the Credit […]
As Salaamu Alaikum, QUESTION: Is compulsory in front of those people whom we greeted with Namaste? Message Body: My dad have a habit to greet his Hindu friends and other Hindus with Namaste and we know that Namaste is Shirkiya greeting and the meaning is […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Is it Haram or Halal to buy and sell dogs. My only purpose is to get money from it, there is no other purpose. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, According to the Madhhab of Imam Shafi (A.R) and Imam Ahmad bin […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum. During Hajj, our group did not perform tawaful ifadah until the 15th of Zull Hijjah. We read in the Hajj book that according to Hanafi, tawaful ifadah must be done before sunset of 12th day otherwise Dam must be done. We […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, What is the ruling concerning fishing using live bait? ANASER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is Makrooh (reprehensible) to use live bait while fishing since one will be causing harm to a living creature without a just cause. Fishes that are […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I would like to know the ruling on the use of a menstrual cup. It is quite an effective personal care item and assists women greatly in many aspects such as: Cost-saves money on sanitary napkins, for approximately 5 years. Embarrassment/ […]