Ali’s Roti Shop (674-0013) Back chain St, San Juan. (Apr 2012) All chicken, beef, goat and ingredients. Curry Massala Roti Shop (675-8317) #135 Tragarete Rd. Woodbrook. (Apr. 2012) All chicken, lamb, duck, beef and ingredients. Hosein’s Roti Shops (Jan 2012) Look for special logo. a) […]
Question: Assalaamu alaikum During my previous Hajj I saw some people confused about Menses in Hajj. Is it permissible for a Woman in Menses to assume Ihram? In this situation going to perform Umrah would she have to go to Taneem to re-assume Ihram? I […]
Question: assalamualykum. Jazakallah for this wonderful website.Allah accept your efforts. I have a question regarding the completion of the quraan.If for example you are on the 20th chapter of the quraan and lets say the month of ramadaan is approaching,can you stop the completion and […]
questions: Assalaamu Alaikum, How can i repent as i have committed major sins kufr, shirk .i have also make fun of islam and ask Allah to help me when i was doing haraam actions as these sins put me out of fold of islam so […]
questions: I would like to know with regards to the menses if gysul is made ON the 10th day or if it is made AFTER the 10th day and then to begin salaah again. Could you please explain this to me. Answer: Assalaamu Alaikum, Ghusl […]
Question: assalaamualaikum, I would like to find out about adoption in islaam. what are the rights of the adopted child with respect to: * her wearing hijab in front of the ‘father’ * her rights to inheritance etc. * can the real dad take her […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum, What can muslims do to protect themselves from an ‘evil eye’, or what we refer to as “malju”? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, If a person is affected with ‘evil eye’ (Bad Nazar), then the following verses (Arabic) of the Quran should […]
Question: I would like to find out why is it that taking belly-dancing classes would be considered haraam. Taking into consideration that (1) the students in the class as well as the teacher are strictly women, (2) that the learning of the belly-dancing is not […]