Q. In urdu there is a saying ‘Haath dho bheta’, which means die/dead. A friend of mine said this in English to his wife with intention which was said as ‘wash your hands’. Does this affect his marriage? A. If this statement is commonly used […]
Q. I suffer from clinical depression and I have been on and off medication for many years. During phases of deep depression (lasting 2-3 months) I lose weight due to not eating, I experience chronic fatigue which results in my sleeping up to 18 hrs […]
Q. If a husband and wife are separated for 6 months, will that result in a divorce? Can she marry someone else at that time? And if they decide to come back together, do they need to remarry? A. The mere separation between the husband […]
Q. While doing sajdah of the sajdah tilawat, if a persons says the wrong dua of the sajadah then is the sajdah offered or do we have to offer it again? Also do we have to say tasbeeh of Sajdah, then masnoon dua of sajdah […]
Q. What is the way in which you move somebody back to start a new saf during a jam’aat? Do you start your own prayer and then step forward and place your hand on a person’s shoulder to indicate to them to move back, or […]
Q. My marriage is heading towards a divorce, no part of my dowry was paid to me, will my husband still have to pay it? A. Seeing that you are actually living together as husband and wife, then it is compulsory upon your husband to […]
Q. I wanted to know in a sunnat salaat of Zuhr, in which order can we recite the following suras: SURA ASR, SURA FEEL, SURA KAUTHER, SURA KAFIROON, SURA NASR, SURA IKHLAS, SURA NAS, SURA FALAQ. Please give all the possible combinations. Also I would […]
Q. In Fard Salaah, in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs, only Surah Fatiha is recited. What about in other Salaah like Sunnah and Witr, only Surah Fatiha is recited in the 3rd and 4th Rakaahs or is it compulsory to recite a Surah after? A. […]
Q. Kindly confirm the iddat period of khula divorce, is it 1 month or 3 months? Also, does the husband have to provide maintaince for that period? A. The Iddah period of khula is the same as a divorce, that is 3 menses. The husband […]
Q. I travel a lot and I was wondering what are the rules for traveing in regards to salaah and everything. Actually I go to that same place every year, sometimes 2 times for the year and I was wondering what are the rules when […]