Mutawatir and Ahaad Hadith

Question: What is the difference between Mutawatir and Ahad Hadith? Some said – Mutawatir hadiths conform to Aqeedah but Ahad does not. Correct or wrong? Do the Imams have Ikhtilaf in that? Answer  Depending on the number of the reporters of the hadith in each […]

The Group of Murjia

Question Some of the Imams here said that Imam E Azam Abu Hanifah has Irja in Aqeedah. What is that and is it correct or they label him as Murjiah? Answer The word Murjia comes from Irjaa which has two meanings: 1) To delay, postpone, […]

Meaning and objective of tasawwuf

Question I am interested in Tasawwuf. From what I understand, it is a branch of Islamic knowledge which focuses on the spiritual development of a Muslim. I have been on the ‘’ website but a friend of mine suggested I get information from your institution […]

Praying Isha after midnight

Question Is it makrooh to pray Isha after midnight? Answer According to Hanafi Jurist, to delay Isha until one third of the night is mustahab (desirable). Up to half of the night is permissible, and to perform it after that is disliked (Makrooh). And Allah […]

Practicing Yoga

Question  What is the Islamic stance on Yoga especially if somebody were to practice it? Answer Since Yoga is connected to non Islamic religious teachings and practices, a Muslim should not get involved in it. And Allah knows best. Mufti Waseem Khan