Question: As Salaam Alaikum, A man says to a woman,’Marry me’ or ‘You marry me’ And the woman replies,’okay’. This conversation takes place in front of many people. Does it make them married? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, No. They are not married because ‘Okay’ […]
ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum. Let me send the question all over again. A few days ago,a woman came to know that nikah done in joke is valid. Since then she has been having doubts about whether she has ever married someone in joke. As far […]
Question: As Salaam Alaikum!! With due respect Mufti sb I wanted to ask a question. Please reply to it as it is urgently needed. If someone commits a sin requiring of Hadd penalty for example Zina or drinking wine so if Allah conceals his sin, […]
Question: As Salamu Alaikum, A man comes to a woman and asks her,’Have you married Rahim’ or ‘Did you marry Rahim?’ And the woman replies ‘yes,I have’ or ‘yes,I did.’ There are many people present during this conversation. Does it mean that the woman is […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Message Body: Is registering to the national insurance board and paying contributions as a business owner permissible? As this is insurance would it be regarded like the rest of types of insurance as Haram? ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The National […]
QUESTION: Message Body: Assalamu Alaikum , I would like to know if wudu and by extension salah be valid if one goes to the toilet and doesn’t wash with water afterwards. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The validity of wudhu is based on whether all […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, Zayd and Samina used to like each other. One day a friend of zayd named jabir asked Samina ‘Do you marry zayd’? Samina said ‘yes I do’ in front of many male people. Are they married now? Note that although all […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, I am just following up on a question I asked about over a month now, concerning the permissibility of using dice in children’s games like ludo, Monopoly etc. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Some scholars have stated that it is not […]
QUESTION: As Salaam Alaikum, Can you tell me what is the correct spelling and pronunciation for a girl’s name, which is pronounced Ah-Ree-Ahh… 1. Thinking it’s either Aria or Arya. Which is more suitable? 2. What is the meaning of both in Arabic? 3. Are either […]
QUESTION: Is it permissible for a man married for 18years with two young children to take a second wife just to secure a business deal. The man is saying there is no personal attachment to the second wife because he does not financially support her, […]