With respect to the sick person who could not face the direction of qibla due to his condition, it will not be necessary to Qadha the salah afterwards. And Allah Knows best Mufti Waseem Khan 04/12/2017
It is permissible to use limbs/organs/parts of those animals which are permissible for Muslims to consume for an organ trans-plant to the human body, when there is fear of losing life or there is a fear of losing a limb or organ and that the […]
QUESTION: Dear Mufti, Can you say if pension plans that are interest free and accident and emergency medical plans together with education plans for children to go uwi is permissible from Guardian life? ————————————————————————————- ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum, Pension plans that are interest free is […]
QUESTION: Assalamu Alaikum, Mufti, My question today is based on if Forex Trading is Permissible in Islam? I have been doing some research for myself but i need advice from you. From certain articles online it is said that the prophet pbuh said it was […]
QUESTION: Hazrat, Death in Service is a benefit offered by most western employers where they pay 3/4 times your salary to your spouse/dependants. I believe you become eligible after certain few years of service. ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The ‘Death in service’ benefit will […]
QUESTION: As salamu alaykum what is the definition of Khalwah Bil Ajnabiyyah? Jazak Allah Khayr  ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, ‘Khalwah bil Ajnabiyyah’ means to be in seclusion or to be alone with a woman /girl who is not blood- related to you. This […]
QUESTION: Â Wa Alaikum As Salaam, What you did by standing together with them for hymns and prayers was Haraam. In fact, it was not permissible for you to attend such a gathering where prayers and hymns comprising of shirk were said. You should seek […]
QUESTION: السلام عليكم I would like to know if being a police officer a good career to have in a islamic perspective… ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Generally, a Muslim is required to adopt a means of livelihood and a career, where it is easy […]
ANSWER: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is permissible to engage in sports for the purpose of relaxation, satisfaction and enjoyment, as long as one does not violate the teachings of Islam by exposing his awrah, (concealable parts of the body), missing/delaying his duties of Salah […]
QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaykum Is it Halal or Haram to hug or shake hands with a Cousin? because in Pakistan my Family come from a Village and that People says Iam a Wahhabi because I dont shake hands or hug any of my Cousin(Girls).So please […]