QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaykum What does Islam says about cultures and customs? Some People says Culture and Customs are Islamic, but how can that be? Some of them are coming from the Hindus like some customs (are they Halal?) in marriage etc. Can you give […]
QUESTION: Message Body: What are the procedures of conducting a divorce through islamic rights… ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum, In Islamic teachings, a divorce comes about through the utterance of ‘divorce’ by the husband to the wife. If the husband utters a statement to his wife […]
QUESTION: As Salam Alaikum, I have questions regarding Zakat calculations: Question 1: From the annual calculations of zakat , do we need to deduct the following amount as deductible liabilities from my Assets in order to find the net value on which zakat ( 2.5% […]
QUESTION: As Salaam Alaikum Mufti Sab, Does this means a Sahibut Tarteeb is one who has not miss more that 5 Salaah from the time Salaah becomes accountable on him or does it mean not missing 5 Salaah with in a day because most […]
QUESTION Assalaamu Alaikum, I wanted to know what was the islamic ruling/rights when it comes to husband and wife sharing with one another (legally transferring of names to have shared ownership) their inheritance from their parents? Both from a man to his wife or a […]
QUESTION: If a person did not perform the Salaat of a part of the day, e.g. he did not perform Fajar, Zuhr and Asar, how should he go about performing the Qazaa of these prayers just before Maghrib? ANSWER: As Salaam Alaikum, If a […]
QUESTION According to these two following narrations what is the position of the feets during the salah (qiyam) in Islam: 1. Sayyiduna Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu ‘anhu) said: “When any one of you performs Salah then he should not place his shoes on his right hand […]
QUESTION: As Salaam Alaikum, Dear Mufti, I will like to get some clarification regarding the people of the book. Are we, as Muslim, allowed to consume their meats? Also, is it permissible for Muslim men to Marry women from the people of the book’.  […]
QUESTION: Asalamualaikum. Hazrat. Is it wajib, or furdh to be in the state of Wudhu before one can even enter the Masjid? Is it permissible to be vaccinated when the ingredients are halal? And, what if the vaccination have haram ingredients, and the doctor […]