وعن ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: كان من دعاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: “اللهم إني أسألك موجبات رحمتك، وعزائم مغفرتك، والسلامة من كل إثم، والغنيمة من كل بر، والفوز بالجنة، والنجاة من النار”. Ibn Mas’ud (May Allah be pleased with him) […]
Assalam O Alaikum, I normally perform salaatul Ishrak at home. I don’t go to the mosque for fajr. I’m a Muslim sister. However I was told that this salaat must be perform in the mosque. I do sit in Ibadaah until it is time to […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, there are some who say there is no evidence for tashahhud after Sajda sahw? It is kind of confusing to me. Could you clarify this? JazakAllah khair. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Some Scholars are of the opinion that there is […]
Salaams, Can you please give us the daleel for the method of sacrifice you have outlined so I can inform my Jamaah that it was the practice of the prophet (uwbp) and his companions. Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Jabir Bin Abdullah (R.A) […]
Assalamu Alaikkum Mufthi saab… Question related to Eid Prayer: Some of the people told that in Eid salah must pray in Open ground not in the Masjid..It is the Sunnah of Prophet(PBUH)… Other’s told that Prophet(PBUH) pray in Open Ground is one of the reason […]
Assalaamu Alaikum, Will it be considered haraam to work for a financial lending institution that issues loans for personal use, e.g. vacations, if one is working as part of the human resources team? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله A financial lending Institution will normally lend […]
As Salaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaah Wa Barakaatuh, respected Mufti Saheb, I have a question with which I need some clarity on. I was told by a Muslim that there is a hadeeth which more or less states that. When rain falls or there is thunder, […]
What is the ruling on the person who said to someone that “She is a Jew Sister” jokingly in the absence of that person not with the intention of calling her Jew or Kafir just jokingly. Is it okay if that person repents to Allah […]
As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum, May Almighty Allaah continue to bless everyone associated with your institute. On behalf of an elderly relative, there is an issue that needs to be answered. If one can afford Qurbani but is not able to participate in it physically due to poor health, […]