Will this invalidate the fast?

Asalamualaikum. Hazrat, if a man gets aroused in anyway, and ends up NOT ejaculating, but ejecting some other substances is the fast still valid?   Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق Yes, the fast is still valid. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. […]

Question on loans and zakaat

Salaams! I just need some clarification, with regards to Zakat calculation, I am currently paying 2 loans, do I add the Total remaining balance to my liabilities or just the monthly instalments at the time of paying? Wa Alaikum Assalaam, الجواب و بالله التوفيق You […]

Do i have to pay zakaat?

Assalamu Aliakum, I am a single divorced mom, I collect maintenance for my son $800 per month and I live with my parents I have a savings account for emergency should my son need something. My Question is Do I have to pay zakat? Jazkhallah […]

Maulana Shiraz Ali (Hafizahullah)

Maulana Shiraz started studying the Alimiyyah course at the Dabhel Madrasah, Gujarat, India in 1981. In 1985 after having visa problems Maulana came back to Trinidad and studied at Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago under Mufti Shabil Ai and Maulana Abdul Salam. 1989 Mufti Shabil […]

Mufti Waseem Khan (Hafizahullah)

Mufti Waseem Khan is presently the Chairman and Principal of a prestige Islamic Institute in Trinidad known as ‘Darul Uloom Trinidad and Tobago’. He is also a teacher at the Institute where he teaches Hadith (Sahih Al Bukhari), Aqaa’id, Tafseer of the Quran and Fiqh. […]