Q: As Salaamu Alaikum, I’m interested in joining my 2 year old daughter in a toddler Gymnastics class but someone said to me to find out the Islamic view on it since it may stretch the hymen. So I did research online and found out […]
Q: Assalaamualikum Mufti saab, Who are the people deserving for the interest money which we get in our account, and I know that this money should be given without any niyah (intention). Detailed description would be helpful for me. A: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, Those […]
Q: Assalamu Alaikum, I wanted to find out what the ruling is concerning voting in Trinidad and Tobago. Are Muslims allowed to vote for a Government, or is this seen as electing a legislator other than Allah Ta’allah. Your response will be greatly appreciated. A: […]
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah The Darul Uloom Trinidad & Tobago wishes to inform all brothers and sisters that our present email address (darululoom@mail.tt) will be replaced withing a period of TWO days to (mail@darululoomtt.net). This change has become necessary since Green Dot will no longer be […]
Is is also narrated from Thabit Al Bunani (A.R) that he said, ‘I once walked with Anas (R.A) for Salaah and I walked very fast. Anas (R.A) held my hand and we walked for a short while. When we had completed Salaah, Anas (R.A) […]