Sura Yaseen continues in verse 10 and states: It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. Here, Allah informs the Prophet (S.A) that it is equal to the unbelievers if he warns them […]
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum, I have two questions I’d like to ask, 1) I understand children are ma’soom and free from sin. Therefore is it true that children are therefore Awliya Allah or Wali Allah? 2) There is a hadith which I have read which […]
Question:Â Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Please explain the severity of writing Salams, Slmz, Salam Alaykum, Slms etc instead of writing Assalamu Alaykum. People think it’s no big deal when you tell them. From a scholarly point of view please elaborate why these abbreviations & versions of conveying […]
While commenting on this verse, some exegetes have stated that the words, ‘Sent down by the All Mighty, Most Merciful’ refers to the sending of the Prophet (S.A). The verse tells the unbelievers that Muhammad (S.A) was indeed from among the Messengers because he […]
Question: Asalamualaikum Warehmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, We here as interns receive various physicians samples from various companies.we do not ask them to do so ,they do it as part of their job,while we quietly accept the samples. when we sell these medicines ,we get 60percent or so of the […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, Is it permissible/halal/haraam to plan a trip that would have you traveling on plane on a Friday since as a traveler Jumma is not compulsory? Answer:Â Assalamu Alaikum, Yes, it is permissible to plan your trip (journey) in a way that you […]
Question:Â Assalaamu Alaikum, I pray you are well. Two Muslims are having a conversation. The first Muslim says to the second Muslim,’ you are practicing Islam, reading namaz, doing Islamic things but yet you still mess about and sin.’ The second Muslim says in Urdu in […]
As Salaamu ‘Alaikum. I have two questions about bakhoor. 1. Is it a sunnah 2. Does it really ward off evil ? Please clarify for my understanding in shaa’ Allaah. Answer:Â Wa Alaikum As Salaam,It is narrated that the Prophet ï·º used to burn the Oudh […]
Question: How is it for a female to perform her Fajr Salah 10min before sunrise. Though valid, is this acceptable and, if not, please explain why? Does a husband have Shar’i right to reprimand her for such a practice? Answer:Â Assalamu Alaikum, Although the Salaah […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, Is it allowed for the hospital to burn the afterbirth from a pregnant woman? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The afterbirth should be buried and not left by the hospital to burn. The human body is sacred and so are […]