Question: (1) I want to give a nafl Qurbani with a lawful personal intention to be fulfilled. Now, can I combined niyyat (intention) for Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) and include deceased relatives and other Muslims in the reward of one animal ? ( 3 intentions in […]
Question: If you are a Muslim business man is it allow to sell Diya or other things that propagate another religion and to sell the product that ladies use to put on there face beauty products cosmetic. Answer:Â Assalamu Alaikum, If a product is used […]
Question: I was wondering who does the ‘we’ refer to in the Quran and in the last line of sura 21 ayat 84 where it is sometimes translated  as ‘as a reminder for all who worship us.’ what does ‘us’ mean when we are to […]
Question: Asalaamu Alaaikum, My husband is not circumcised and he wanted to get it done. Does Islamic law say anything about older men getting that done? Or can he just feed people? Thank you for your reply. Salams. Answer:Â Wa Alaikum As Salaam, In Islam, both […]
Question: Assalamualaykum, Is it acceptable that a person wears their night clothes/pajamas underneath their Kurta when performing Salah? In other words should we be standing in front of Allah with our pajamas on? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, It is Makrooh to wear the clothes that […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum my pre-teen son usually cuts his hair two different lengths; Level 3 and level 2 on the machine. Is this haram to do ? Answer: Wa alaikum As Salaam, He must cut the hair in a manner that all the hairs of […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum Mufti Saheb! I want to ask a question regarding our bodies, i mean in reality we do not own our bodies, Allah is the one that really owns it. It is just given to us as a trust(Amanah). So my question is: […]
Question: I borrowed a book which contains stories of shirk but is written in a way that it seems Islamic. I do not know if to burn the book or return it to my friend because I think she will defend some of the stories […]
Question: Aslaam Alaikum, A Muslim was asked/invited to attend a christian work colleague’s funeral in a church. The Muslim attended. He had No intention of Kufr. In the church during the funeral everyone was given a paper with prayers and other writing etc. The Muslim […]
Question: Assalaamu Alikum, 1. I would like to know if it is allowed to give non muslims haraam products? For example, if I was given an edible item that is haraam as a gift, and I don’t want to throw it away but give it […]