Ruling On Nikah

Question: Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. I would like to know what is the Islamic ruling regarding weddings. In my country, it is customary for the bride’s family to invite family and friends of the bride and the family of the groom to partake […]

Inquiry On A Game

Question: Assalamu Alaikum, One day, me and my friends played a game. We made some chits of paper on which we wrote something, that this thing will happen or not, just for the sake of game, although we didn’t believe whatever the answer was. I […]

Belief And Usage Of Taweez etc.

Question: Assalamualaykum, There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone’s life, people are resorting to Taweez.  For example, a child regularly misbehaves or is ill, people are resorting to Taweez, believing that someone has done something to the child. A further example […]

Types Of Salaah

Question: can you explain the types of salaah and what each one mean eg: sunnah nafl fardh waajib etc and why they are different? Answer: The Fardh Salah is that which is compulsory. This is what Allah has ordered and a Muslim must performed such […]

Inquiry On Waxing Of Eyebrows

QUESTION: Question: Salams Mufti, I am a convert to Islam…Alhamdulillah and I have a question regarding the grooming/waxing or plucking of the eyebrows on women. I have a business and it entails waxing of eyebrows. Please give advice as to if this is permissible in […]