As Salaamu Alaikum,
I have a question regarding sadaqah. My mum asks me to give sadaqah from her money to the needy. However, she herself is struggling financially. I try my best to help her when I can and I ask my husband at times as well but sometimes she will need medication or food and I cannot provide it for her.
Can I use the sadaqah money that she has given back on her?
Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
If it is optional Sadaqah (or general Sadaqah) then it is permissible to use it back on her because of her financial condition, and seeing that she is more in need of help than others.
It is also permissible for her to benefit from her own optional (general) Sadaqah. However, if it is Sadaqah which has become Wajib (essential) upon her like Sadaqatul Fitr, then it must be given to others who are poor and needy, and she will not be allowed to benefit from it for herself.
Similarly, if she is giving the Sadaqah on account of an Oath which she made (to give), then this is also a Wajib Sadaqah which must be given out to others who are poor and needy. (Bada’i As Sana’I; Vol. 2 page. 162 Zakariya; Kitab An Nawazil Vol. 7 page. 262. Dar Al Isha’at Karachi 2016).
And Allah Knows best
Mufti Waseem Khan