Calamities / Cures and the End of Time!!
We praise Allah, the Most Powerful and Mighty and we ask Allah to send his mercy and blessings on the final messenger, Muhammad (SA), his companions and all his righteous followers.
Respected brothers and sisters, in the recent past, the world became greatly shocked and alarmed by the occurring of a chain of natural disasters. We have seen an increase in the intensity of these natural disasters through the media and for some, through firsthand experience. These awesome forces of nature have caused unprecedented devastation and great loss of lives which have been etched in our minds due to the magnitude of the devastation. They are not restricted to any part of the globe, but are occurring in all continents of the earth. Some of these recent calamities which we may recall in the twenty first century are listed as follows:
Earthquakes: The 2010 Haiti earthquake (approx.220,000 dead); The 2010 Chile earthquake (approx. 30 billion in damages); The 2010 Yushu earthquake; The 2005 South Asian earthquake affecting Pakistan, India & Afghanistan (approx. 50,000 dead); The 2003 earthquake in Bam, Iran (approx. 26,000 dead)
Tsunami: The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami (approx.285,000 dead); 2010 Chile Tsunami
Volcanoes: The 2010 Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull volcano (hundreds of thousands affected esp. with flights); The 2010 Guatemala- Pacaya Volcano ash disaster; The 2006 Ecuador volcano (approx. 300,000 affected); The 2005 Comoros Volcano (approx.245,000 affected); The 2002 Ecuador volcano (approx. 128,000 affected); The 2002 Zaire/Congo Dem Rep volcano (approx. 110,400 affected)
Floods: 2010 Guatamala (165,000 affected); 2010 Kenya (70,000 affected); 2010 Peru (80,000 affected); 2010 China (165,000 affected); 2009 Cambodia (375,000 affected); (millions affected throughout the world because of flooding.)
Hurricanes & Storms: 2007 Hurricane Noel ($742 Million in damages); 2007 Hurricane Humberto ($500 Million in damage); 2005 Hurrican Katrina and Rita (More than $10 Billion in damage)
Besides these there were many more deaths and damages attributed to natural disasters including fire, cyclones, droughts, tornados, oil spills, etc.
We would realize that the nature of these adversities are diverse and the havoc wreath by them are indeed enormous as compared to centuries ago.
Why are these adverse things happenings? What has caused the frequent occurrence of these calamities? Why do people have to suffer and face such extent of difficulty? How close are we to the end of time? These are only a few questions which many people may ask with regards to these natural disasters.
Scientists (in various fields), research scholars, technocrats, politicians, religious leaders and even the ordinary person among the masses have an answer to give to the questions mentioned above.
Among the many reasons given by the scientists and research scholars, some include reasons such as global warming causing weather changes and the melting of the ice caps leading to higher water levels in the seas; the industrial revolution by developing nations leading to an increase in pollution and emission of green house gases which affects the atmospheric layer of the earth, causing an increase in global warming, storms and hurricanes, etc; the movement of the earth along its fault lines causing earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fire, etc; the extraction of minerals and other essential resources within the earth like oil and natural gas, as well as tapping into water reservoirs within the earth causing sinking of the earth, etc; deforestation causing landslides; pollutions which causes health related epidemics; etc. These are some of the reasons which may appear to man as the physical reasons and causes for the occurrence of some of these natural adversities. Yet, some may claim that many adversities are the result of man’s own actions as in the case of wars and bombs and spreading of certain diseases.
Muslims must acknowledge and believe that everything happens only by the will and permission of Allah. While it may appear that man is directly to be blamed for some of the destruction which happens, yet, it only occurs according to the decree of Allah.
Therefore, to answer some of the questions which one may ask concerning the adversities which take place, we need to understand the reason for them. A Muslim believes that there are basically two main reasons for calamities. Allah may send a calamity as mentioned above as a test and a trial for the believers, or as a punishment for disobedience.
Concerning the first, the Quraan has mentioned several ayats of the test which Allah has sent to the believers.
Allah Almighty says: “And surely We will test you with a thing of fear, hunger, and a decrease of wealth, and with oneself (loss of limbs or person), and fruits and vegetation.” (2:155) In another place, Allah questions the believers as well as mankind: “Do mankind think that they would be left alone by merely saying, ‘We believe’ and that they would not be tested? Surely we tested those from before them so that Allah would know those of them who are truthful and those who are lying.” Allah also says in Surah Mulk, “It is He who has created death and life in order that He will test which of you is best in action.” (Surah Mulk Verse 2)
In a narration of the Prophet (SA), he said, “Certainly the most severely tested among you are the Prophets, then those who are next in righteousness and those who are next in righteousness. A man would be tested to the extent of his faith.”
Therefore, Allah wants us to acknowledge Him and to maintain true faith in the face of hardships which may come our way. He wants us to maintain patience and perseverance, and not lose hope in Him and His mercy. Thus, the Quraan, after mentioning the test to the believers in the above mentioned Ayat, Allah then says: “And give glad tidings (of paradise) to the patient ones (upon affliction). Those who when afflicted with an adversity say, ‘Innaa lil-laahi wa in-naa ilaihi raaji’uun’ – Verily we belong to Allah and to Him we will return.” (2:155)
Therefore, a believer in Allah who obeys and submits to His will, understands that these calamities are mere test and trials of Allah upon which he should be patient. He knows that this would make him closer to Allah, as a narration of the Prophet (SA) explains. Abu Hurairah (RA) relates that the Prophet (SA) said: “Whosoever Allah wants goodness for, He gives him some adversity (which he bears patiently).” (Bukhari)
In another narration, the Prophet (SA) said, “If a person commits many sins and has nothing that will expiate for them, Allah will test him with some grief that will expiate for them.” (Ahmad)
Secondly, a believer considers that the calamity may be an actual punishment which has been ordained by Allah because of the transgression and sins which have been done by people. This may be the consequence of poor judgements and wrong decisions made by people, or as a fitting punishment for acts of transgressions done against Allah or to others.
Concerning the aspect of calamities occurring because of the consequence of wrong decisions, we see for example, the abundance of floods and landslides happening as a result of dumping of garbage in the water ways; deforestation; burning of fossil fuels, mining, poor construction, etc. Likewise, because of the poor administering in the distribution of food, water, and basic amenities to people by those in charge, there is widespread disparities in the living standard of people and many are suffering and dying from hunger and poverty. We see an abundant of health related cases in the world because of improper sewage disposals and a lack of suitable water storage facilities and treatment. Whilst these may happen as a result of improper planning and administration on the part of people, we must believe that the actual occurrence only comes about with the permission and decree of Allah.
The Quraan informs us of our actions and the results which are brought out as a consequent of doing things. “And whatever calamities befall you it is as a result of what you have earned (by your action).” (42:30) Again Allah proclaims, “Indeed, corruption has spread in the sea and on land due to the doings of mankind. In order that Allah make them taste the penalty of some of their doings. Perhaps they may retract (from their disobedience).” (30:41)
The above verses also mean that along with the neglectful physical acts of man on the environment, the disobedience and sins committed by him also contributes directly towards calamities and chastisements. Disbelief, sins, transgressions, immoralities and other acts of rebellion, are means of attracting the wrath of Allah. When the wrath of Allah descends, they take many forms such as hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, landslides, fire, drought, epidemics, etc. being a result of what the hands of man have earned.
Rasulullah (SA) explained the meaning of the Ayat to Hazrat Ali, He said: “0 Ali! Whatever calamity befalls you; illness, affliction or any worldly calamity; it is the earning of your own hands.” (Tafseer ibn Katheer)
In another narration from Hasan (RA), he reports that Rasulullah (SA) said: “By Him in whose control is my life! Any scratch, twitching of veins, slipping of the foot or a flying stone suddenly striking the body, is all due to the committing of sins.” (Ibid)
Once Asma bint Abu Bakr (RA) experienced a headache. She exclaimed: ‘This is due to my sins.’ (Durre Manthoor)
When one engages in acts of disobedience, the result is a compensating punishment even in this world. Some examples as have been mentioned in Ahaadith are as follows:
When immodesty, fornication and adultery are rampant, then it leads to a great number of deaths, poverty and new plagues.
When Zakaat is not paid, then Allah withholds the rain resulting in famine and drought.
When legislations are made against truth and justice, then it leads to great bloodshed.
When engaging in interest and usury becomes widespread, it is a declaration of war with Allah and Allah’s wrath descends.
When cheating (while measuring on the scale) takes place, then it leads to the reduction of sustenance.
Respected readers, we are bewildered by the extent of calamities which are occurring on a regular basis in our times. This can therefore be deduced as a consequent of the increase of sins and disobedience which are taking place throughout the earth. The disbelievers are further engrossing themselves in Kufr and also intensifying their efforts against Muslims, while the Muslims themselves are increasing their transgression of the laws of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (SA). There is flagrant compromise in the Deen of Allah which is branded as moderate Islam. There is open immodesty and utter disregard to the laws of Hijab in Islam and it is called liberalism, and has given rise to feminist movements in Islam. Women are lobbying to do khutba, lead salaah, etc in the Mosque on Fridays, and are calling it equality of the sexes in the leadership position of the mosque. (As have recently taken place in Oxford, London by a woman – Raheel Raza of Toronto).
So we can understand that while the numbers of Muslims are growing, the quality of Islam of the Muslims is receding. Allah looks at the sincerity from the heart and the quality of the Iman (faith) and not to the number. So when there is an increase in disobedience to Allah and there is really no true fear in the heart for Allah, the disbelievers are trampling over the Muslims, as is being seen in all parts of the world. Along with this adversity faced by Muslims, Allah’s wrath also descends bringing a host of punishments which we call natural disasters.
While these disasters are happening on a regular basis, it also marks a portent to the coming of the Mahdi and the end of the world. Many calamities would fall on the people one after the other. There would also be abundance of battles and wars and as soon as one fitna (test/trial) ends another would start. Misfortunes would also increase and people would consider that death is better than remaining alive. In a narration, the Prophet (SA) said: “I swear by that Being in whose Omnipotent possession my life is in, that the world would not come to an end as long as man, having gone to the graveyard, does not swallow the dust and say: ‘Would that I had been sleeping in place of this occupant of the grave, how good it would have been then! The longing for such death would not be for the sake of preserving faith and religion, but it would be due to the misfortunes and calamities of the world.” (Muslim)
There would also be an abundance of earthquakes as mentioned in a narration of Imam Ahmad, narrated by Abu Saeed al Khudri (RA) that the Messenger of Allah (SA) said: “He (Imam Mahdi) will be sent at a time of intense disputes and differences among the people and earthquakes.” (Ahmad)
In a narration of Durr e Manthur, Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) has narrated that the Holy Prophet (SA) gave 72 signs indicating the nearness of the Day of Judgement. Among which the Prophet (SA) mentioned of ‘the occurrence of red wind storms’ and ‘sinking down of the earth’.
Dear Muslims, while we cannot underline the year and the date for the coming of Imam Mahdi and the host of signs that follow him, we can look at the emergence of the number of natural disasters and calamities as another sign of the coming of the last day and make preparation for the next life.
We should therefore act wisely and do tauba (repent) and rectify our life (islaah). We should understand that we can only be safe in the face of all difficulties when Allah is in our defense. He alone can protect us from all adversities. Our efforts for worldly pursuits should not side track and divert our attention away from the Hereafter. Whether the events, as they unfold in the revealing of the end of time, are tests or punishments, the course of action is to turn to Allah and become obedient. The Prophet (SA) has advised the manner in which we should act upon all conditions. From Abu Yahya Suhaib ibn Sinan (RA), he said the Prophet (SA) said: “Amazing is the affair of a believer, verily every condition for him is good. And this is only for a believer. If a good condition happens to him, he thanks and praises Allah and that is good for him; and if an adverse condition happens to him, he bears it with patience and that is good for him.” (Muslim)
Similarly, we should not aid in the ruination of the environment by our neglect and inconsiderate behavior, but should be responsible human beings in the execution of our daily duties.
We ask Allah to guide us toward all that is good and to protect us from punishments and calamities.