As Salaamu Alaikum,
Respected Mufti. Who is the famous ‘alim Muḥammad ibn Ali ibn Muḥammad ibn Abd Allah, better known as al-Shawkānī, I read several contradictory opinions concerning him, is it advisable for non-scholar (layman, non-qualified person) to read al-Shawkānī’s book?

Wa Alaikum As Salaam,
The renowned Hanbali Jurist and Iraqi Scholar, Shaikh Faaris Ibn Falih Al Khazraji was asked about learning the Fiqh of Al-Shawkani and he gave the following response: –
1. It is well known that Ash Shawkani’s original Madhab is that of the Zaidi school of thought, and then he started to agree with the Madhab of Ahl As Sunnah except in some laws and matters, which are connected to Aqeedah (beliefs). This is very clear in the book he wrote called, ‘Ar Rasaa’il As Salafiyah’
(The Salafi Messages).
2. Ash Shawkani remained under the influence of the Zaidiyyah (Shiah Sect) as it is clear from his writings and citing the scholars of the Zaidiyyah in his work ‘Nailul Awtar’.
3. He (Ash Shawkani) does not have any influence in any Madhab. His methodology after ‘Zaidi Fiqh’ is to follow the Shafi’ee Fiqh like in his book ‘Adab At Talab’ (Etiquettes of seeking knowledge) in which he taught the Shafi’ee Madhhab. Then he was influenced by the Dhahiriyyah.
4. His Fiqh is not known and recognized by the general body of the Ummah. There is no doubt that he used to give consideration to the rare and uncommon opinions from the well-known statements in the Ummah from the teachings of the four Madhahib. And it follows that he is not known to the Ummah like the Madhhabs of the Imams of Guidance.
5. Ash Shawkani was not an absolute Mujtahid in which he would have an independent school of thought, and he did not even see the importance of attachment to the schools of thought of the Imams who are followed, as he was under the influence of the Dhahiriyyah.
6. His Usool (Principals) are independent according to his preference and research, and it only applies to his ‘Fiqh’ (Jurisprudence) and it is well known that the Jurisprudential school (or matter) based in Ijtihad is well documented, well established and revived/refreshened by those coming after. As for As Shawkani, there is no known follower of him besides Siddiq Hassan Khan, and his book ‘Ar Rawdhah An Nadiyah’ does not differ from Nailul Awtar (his other book). And what he has written to defame and attack Mu’awiyah (R.A) at the end of his book, is sufficient (to know his reality).
7. Ash Shawkani contradicted the creed of Ahl As Sunnah regarding Mu’awiyah (R.A), and there is no doubt that this is a big matter. Whoever reads his book ‘Ar Rasaa’il As Salafiya (The Salafi creed Messages) which is his Aqeedah, will know very well his contradiction and opposition.
8. Practice is not done upon the Fiqh of Ash Shawkani. In which city from the cities of the Muslims is his ‘Fiqh’ used? Nay, not even in one village is his ‘Fiqh’ practiced upon. So, how can his Fiqh become necessary? How can his books be read and studied? Someone may ask, can one benefit from the works of Ash Shawkani?’ Our answer is that there is no doubt that there is a benefit, but not for learning and teaching.
So these are the reasons that we have put for advising the people not so study the Fiqh of Shawkani (May Allah have mercy on him).
Written by Shaikh Faaris ibn Faalih Al Khazraji

6th Muharram 1439
Juris’s Blog
Darul Ifta Trinidad and Tobago