Handshaking, which is known as ‘Musaafaha’ in Islam is from among the practices of the Messenger of Allah (SA) and one which was done by the companions of the Prophet (SA). According to a tradition recorded by Imam Tirmizi, it is known as the completion […]
Alhamdulillah all praises are for Allah, Magnified and Exalted be He who has conferred a great favor upon man by sending His complete and perfect way of life (to them) which is known as Islam. Though this religion, Allah has thought man everything that is […]
THE MESSAGE OF ISLAM THE QURAAN DOES NOT SAY THAT JESUS DIED This note is meant to be a clarification of a misleading publication which appeared on the Daily Express of 11th June 2007 and was published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. We wish to […]
HIJAB IN ISLAM MUFTI WASEEM KHAN Different meanings have been drawn from the word ‘Hijab’ in different societies through the ages. It is however, mostly and grossly misinterpreted in societies lacking Divine Guidance. The usual understanding of such people is that it is outdated, uncivilized, […]
Al hamdu lil-laah, all praise is due to Allah, the Owner of time, the Omnipotent and Wise. Salutations are for the Prophet Muhammad (SA) who was sent as the complete messenger, sufficient for mankind. The month of Safar is the second month of the lunar […]
Respected Brothers and Sisters, we thank Allah Almighty Who has given us the best  book – the Quraan; and Who has given us the best guidance – the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (SA). Allah orders us in the Quraan: “And whatever the messenger brings […]
Q. It is often said that the Hijaab is a means of oppression against women. What is Hijaab? Explain the position of the Hijaab/Niqaab. A The above statement is often said out of ignorance of the true teachings of Islam. Many non-Muslims make this claim […]
Today, the word ‘moderation’ has become very common, and is used by people for many things. Sometimes, it is used for that which is good, and at times, it is used for that which is bad. For example, you may hear a doctor saying to […]
Question: Assalam mu Alaikum, I was asked by someone what is the significance of performing Tawaaf in Hajj. I researched on the internet and could not find any information. I will appreciate if you can answer my question. Thanks. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The […]
Q. Can you kindly explain in detail what our view is as Muslims, concerning the theory of Evolution please. We are interested in showing our non-Muslims accomplices evidences from the Quran and from science itself that refutes evolution. A. The following is a beautiful article […]