QUESTION: As Salaamu Alaikum, what is the correct opinion about this some muslim says Allah knows the best about Pharoah’s aqida they says maybe he die with the iman, is it correct to says that? They based their opinion about the following article:Â “Imams Jalal al-Din […]
 I’TIKAAF Ramadaan is a time of Ibaadah to Allah and gaining closeness to Him. Among the many ways leading to His closeness is the act of I’tikaaf. I’tikaaf is to seclude oneself in the Masjid with the intention of I’tikaaf (seclusion) for the sake of […]
SADAQATUL FITR Sadaqatul Fitr is a compulsory charity, which is given at the end of Ramadaan to the poor and needy. It is given to help them particularly on the day of Eidul Fitr, and also serves as a purification for the giver against mistakes […]
One of the greatest disasters which occurred in the history of man was the flood at the time of Noah (A.S.). It was a form of punishment to the people at that time for their wickedness and transgression. Noah was sent as a messenger to […]
HALAAL  AND  HARAAM  IN  FOOD  AND  DRINKS            In today’s world, the word ‘Halaal’ has become very famous and is commonly used by many throughout the world. While it may be something which really does not matter to the non-Muslims, it is a matter which […]
Among the many deviated sects who departed from the true teachings of Islam is that of the Qadianis. The Qadianis or Ahmadis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who was born in Qadian in the year 1839 or 1840 C.E. During his lifetime he […]
Muharram has the great honor of being the first month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the four months which Allah has made sacred and holy from the time he created the heavens and the earth. The Holy Quran points to this and […]