Question: Assalaumu Alaikum, My question is that i dont have dreams while sleeping.Can you tell me any wazifa or anything else for this problem. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, You can recite the following for having good dreams: “Nu’minu Billah Nathiqu Billah Naruddu Umoorana Ilallahi […]
Question: Assalamualaykum, There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone’s life, people are resorting to Taweez. Â For example, a child regularly misbehaves or is ill, people are resorting to Taweez, believing that someone has done something to the child. A further example […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a son who I named Muhammd. I was recently informed however that I cannot place the name Muhammad by itself as it is unique to the prophet (PBUH) an as such anothername has to go with it for e.g. […]
Question: If a person utters the Shahada solely in order to get married under Islamic rights but never practices and many years later this person dies never having practiced Islam or any other religion would this person be considered as a Muslim and can an […]
QUESTION: Asalaamu Alaikum Mufti, Alhamdulillah, Muslims all over the world are trying to spread Islam and may Allah bless them for their efforts . there is one effort in particular called world hijab day which tries to educate non muslims about the hijab … groups […]
Question: As Salaam Wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaat Mufti Sahib For years we have been battling the age old battle of those who are for Tazeem, Forty Days, Qaseeda singing to Indian music tunes, and these Haraam Nasheeds (western boy group want to be’s) […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, Some scholars state that if a person is sitting in a place where kufr and shirk conversation is being done and he doesn’t leave or respond to that conversation he becomes kafir even though he hates these statements in his heart because […]
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum There is currently a campaign on Twitter called Hands of Al-Aqsa wherein males & females post a photograph of themselves with a placard stating their name with a message saying Hands of Al-Aqsa. 1. Is such a campaign permissible or not? 2. […]
Question: Assalamu alaikum Dear Respected Mufti, I attend an all girls Muslim school. That being said we, the students are having an upcoming event for which there is a skit where one of the girls would be imitating and well carrying out the role of a boy, that […]
Question: Dear Mufti, Assalamu Alaikuim On Thursday 30th October, 2014, The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha’at-i-islam incorporated of Trinidad and Tobago published an article in the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian daily newspaper on page A28. It was always my belief that they rejected our beloved Rasool (peace […]