Question: assalaamualaikum, with respect to male performing hajj badal on behalf of a female and vice versa, and it not being necessary for they to be mahram to each other, does this apply to making umra or tawaaf on behalf of a deceased? Answer: Wa […]
Question: Assalamu Alaikum I was in a discussion with some Jehova Witness and in an effort to find out what they mean by Jesus is the son of God I said to the effect “we can all be children of God, I can be the […]
Question: Could a Hindu halal an animal. Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, No, it is not permissible for a Hindu to Halaal an animal. And Allah Knows Best. Mufti Waseem Khan. 23/4/2014.
Question: Asalam Alaikum, Gold and the colour red- its not permissible for Muslim men to wear can you give an explanation. Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salaam, The Ahadith of the Prophet (s.a.w) clearly state that gold is haram for Muslim men to wear. Hence, it […]
Question: Asalaamu alaikum, can you please explain where and what is barzakh and how does the soul undergo its journey towards it and also if the soul is in barzakh and and the body is in the grave then how does the body feel the […]
Question: How will a Musafir make his Qadha of those Salat (while he was on a journey) when he returns home? Answer: If the entire time of a Salat passed and he was still a Musafir, then he will have to make the Qadha of […]
Question: You mentioned in the explanation of surah Ahzab ayat 45-46 that the prophet s.a.w is alive in his grave, what do you mean by this, can you provide your proof, when allah has mentioned that every soul shall taste death. Answer: Assalamu Alaikum, Indeed, […]
Question: Assalamu Alaykum A Muslim attends a thanksgiving service for the deceased person at church. Is this permissible? Answer: Wa Alaikum As Salam, No, this is not permissible. And Allah Knows Best Mufti Waseem Khan 27/3/2014
Question: asalaam alaikam I am a revert to islam and I want to ask regarding khitan ( circumcision), I am not circumcised and I am kinda confused and been upset in the past about this as some people made comments implying I ain’t a true […]
Question: What is the status & is there any place for interfaith dialogue in Shariah? To date, and may be I am wrong, my understanding is that it can lead to corruption of one’s own Deen by listening to the ideologies of other religions our […]