Seasonal Greeting Cards

Assalamu Alaykum 1. Is it permissible to send seasonal greeting cards to non-Muslims at the time of Christmas so long as there are no religious symbols on them and without the intention of celebrating or supporting Christmas? 2. Can the following from al-ashbaah be used […]

Remedies For Depression

Question: Salaams mufti please tell me what can I read for when you are very very depressed about loosing your job, or loved one its like you cannot go forward or do anything everyday u just feel more and more depressed please tell what I […]

Various Questions

Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti, I have a few questions that I hope Insha Allah you’ll be able to assist me with firstly, 1. Is there a hadeeth on missing 3 jumu’a that makes you a kaafir? I hear Muslims saying this all the time but […]