Definition of Shiah.

Question: I would like to know what is the definition of Shiah Rawafid Ulama ul Haqq as we can provide quotes referenced ahl ul sunnah of the definition of Rawafid Shiah. Answer: The Shiahs have been divided into many groups, each having their own beliefs […]

Following different Mazhabs.

Q. Why do people follow different Mazhab like Hanafi etc? What type of Muslims don’t follow Mazhab? They just follow Quran and Sunnah. A. In the same way people follow scholars of today to find out, and practice the true teachings of Islam, people follow […]

Location of Allah.

Q. Where is Allah? If Allah is above his throne, then who said Allah is everywhere … (Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein)? A. As for ‘where is Allah’ – this is a question that was never asked by the Sahabah (RA), […]