The meaning of halaal.

Q. Please explain to me what is meant by “halaal” and why don’t we have halaal fish or anything from the sea? A. Halal is an Arabic word which means ‘that which is lawful, allowed and permitted’. Because of its meaning, it is used for […]

Consuming Kosher meat.

Q. Is it permitted for Muslims to consume Kosher (Jewish) certified meat (a) in a country like Trinidad where Halaal meat is easily available and (b) in a country like Venezuela where Halaal meat may not be easily available? Are there any conditions that must […]

Suicide bombings and missions.

Q. Since Allah says, ‘Do not cast yourselves, with your own hands, into destruction’ (Sura Al Baqarah (2:195)), are those who partake in suicide missions angering Allah? If it is a valid jihad, then should they not at least provide themselves some slight possibility of […]