Q. Are pundits supposed to be close friends to us to the extent that we entertain them in our homes in their full attire and bring sweets for us, etc? A. No, Pundits are not supposed to be close friends to us. There is no […]
Q. Is it Jaiz to pay Huffaz for leading Taraweeh? Doesn’t this lead or lend to something like paying to read the quran, and what is the difference between this and paying a Hafiz to lead the Daily Namaz? A. No it is not permissible […]
Q. Can you tell me if congregational dua is compulsory, desirable or practiced during the times of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) or if it is an innovation, like in shukrhanas, after daily congregational salaat, for kids writing exam, etc? A. Congregational dua is permissible and […]
Q. Is there any masla that states individual acts of ibaadah must be subduded for congregational acts of ibadah in the masjid, eg. (If the imam makes dua after salaat and some individuals choose to do individual zikr instead of joining with the Imam.) If […]
Q. What is the awrah of a daughter in the presence of her father, mother, sister, brother, uncle and aunt? Is it permissible for a father or mother to enter the delivery room to witness their daughter give birth? What about a sister? A. The […]
Q. There is a nearby community (adminstration of the masjid) who has or is going to sell the current masjid to the Christians for the purpose of building a new masjid in an area where the people on the adminstration committee can conveniently attend the […]
Q. Recently a document from a Shi’ah person was handed to me in Jamaa Masjid in Port of Spain. In it were claims that: 1. The Rasul appointed Imam Ali as his successor and their evidence was (Tirmidhi vol 2 page 298 and Bukhari vol […]
Q. My question is regarding Ulema’s hadya (in the West the muslims say wages of imam/alim)? The imams here get paid on average between £150-£175 and from £200-£250 maximum. One of the major reasons is that they can get benefits from the government, so why […]
Q. Do you know of any narrations of how we have to hold our hands during dua? I mean whether we have to leave some space between the two hands or that we must join the handpalms together? I have found these narrations in Mutalibul […]
Q. Can you tell me if going on a ‘honeymoon’ after marrige is haram or not. I am going to get married in a few weeks time and last week my future father-in-law told me that he doesn’t want us going on any honeymoon because […]