Q. We are told in the quran to follow the ulema that is..those in authority. So I am really confused because some ulema say a certain thing is sunnah and then others claim it to be weak and then sometimes concerning ahadith some say to […]
Q. If you have wronged someone and the person is not around for you to ask their forgiveness, what can you do (what is the proper way of making tauba)? A. If the person is alive then you should try your best to get in […]
Q. I am almost 33 years and have accepted Islam for just over 3 years, Alhamdulillah. It is my intention to get married. In my efforts towards this I was recently introduced to a sister of another race. She is practicing and has no problem […]
Q. What are your views and position regarding sufism? A. Sufism is an anglicized form of the word ‘Tasawuf’ as used in the Arabic language. The concept of Tasawuf as explained by our great and reliable scholars is that one tries to reform himself to […]
Q. I read that the money spent on family will be like sadaqah. So if I buy some gifts like shoes or a purse for my mum will it also be sadaqah, keeping in view that she has many? A. Yes, it will be as […]
Q. Is it permissible to celebrate the Prophet’s birthday? A. Celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (SA) is an act which the Prophet (SA) himself did not do. The Sahabahs, Tabieen, Tabu’t Tabieen and all the early generations of Muslims also did not celebrate it. […]
Q. I am a student of medicine. We regularly deal with human bones which we buy from our seniors. I wanted to know whether it is ok for us to sell them at reduced prices, since our juniors will have to buy them in any […]
Q. I converted to islam and I took the kalimah shahadah with my imam but I was menstruating. Do I have to take it over? I read where it is said that I don’t have to take it over. If it is still accepted, can […]
Q. I took my shahada about 2 years aback and I have since backslided a lot in practicing. I love Islam and I will like to know what I have to do to get back on track. I am unable to practice as I would […]
Q. I was trying to find some info on Prophet Isa’s return, can you help? Can you tell me where he is now and in what state as if he is still a human or just his soul is waiting to return? Do you have […]