The Theory of Evolution.

Q. Can you kindly explain in detail what our view is as Muslims, concerning the theory of Evolution please. We are interested in showing our non-Muslims accomplices evidences from the Quran and from science itself that refutes evolution. A. The following is a beautiful article […]

Definition of Shiah.

Q. I would like to know what is the definition of Shiah Rawafid Ulama ul Haqq as we can provide quotes referenced ahl ul sunnah of the definition of Rawafid Shiah. A. The Shiahs have been divided into many groups, each having their own beliefs […]

Fanaticism in Islam.

Q. What is fanaticism in Islam? Why do the awwam (people) consider those who teach their children that for example “there is no santa claus, or no toothfairy etc” to be FANATICS? Why should we fool our children? They say we should teach our children […]

Adoption in Islam.

Q. What does the Quran say about adoption? Is it permissible in Islam? A. Adoption is permissible in Islam, and the Holy Quran has endorsed the adoption of Zaid which was done by the Prophet (SA). However, there are guidelines which one is required to […]